Functional programming

Introductory presentation into functional programming in R
Introductory presentation into functional programming in R
Following the collective movement behavior of a pack of olive baboons
What: Animate animal movement data from in R.
New Publication: Bens cool story about the maya hamlet is published.
Authors: B. M. Moran, K. Hench, R. S. Waples, M. P. Höppner, C. C. Baldwin, W. O. McMillan & O. Puebla
Journal: Molecular Ecology
Combining the bathymethric import function of marmap with the beauty of rayshader
What: Creating the obligatory rotating gif
Exploring gganimate
What: Using gganimate to create a Super Mario style hamlet video.
Exploring the updates of ggforce (
What: Combining ggforce and hypoimg to create hamlet mosaics.
New Publication: At last, the genome is published…
Authors: K. Hench, M. Vargas, M. Höppner, W. O. McMillan & O. Puebla
Journal: Nature Ecology & Evolution
Back in Bocas (TA for fishes class again)
When: 04.02. - 22.02.2019
Where: Bocas del Toro, Panama
R package to annotate plots with hamlet comics
What: R package
R package to ease working with genomic data of hamlets
What: R package