Let there be Open Data

I am convinced that science should be open and thus I try to make data and code as accessible as possible. Below, are the accession numbers and links to the public repositories of the data sets I have worked on in the past, organized by repository type.


Several raw sequencing data sets that I have worked one are deposited at the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA). These include:

  • Project PRJEB27858 (): DNA and RNA sequencing libraries used for the assembly of the hamlet reference genome, whole genome resequencing data (110 hamlet samples, 3 species x 3 locations) and RNA sequencing of hamlet retina samples.

  • Project PRJEB29705 (): whole genome resequencing data (15 hamlet samples: 10 x H. maya from Belize and 5 x H. gemma from Florida).

  • Project PRJEB35459 (): whole genome resequencing data (47 hamlet and 3 Serranus samples).


Many intermediate results of studies listed in the Science section are deposited on Dryad:

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