PhD thesis LaTex template

Opening up my PhD thesis document for reuse as LaTex template
Writing nice looking content in Latex
can be somewhat overwhelming, especially in more complex documents.
Having just finished my PhD thesis, I wanted to share a bare bones version of my LaTex document to be used as template.
Where to find it
The template can be accessed either via overleaf, or at its dedicated github repository. It can be compiled using XeLatex
What’s in there?
When writing my PhD thesis, I needed to combine several LaTex
layout challenges and ideas:
- Integrating multiple bibliographies (one per chapter)
- Custom font throughout the document
- Management and References to Supplementary Figures and Tables
- Nice quote blocks
- Summary boxes at the end of paragraphs
- Custom title page for each Chapter including a title image
- Page number management (excluding preface from page count)
My way of integrating all of this within a single document is given in the template. You will find opening and block quotes, as well as code blocks.
There are examples of different Chapter title pages, summary boxes and separate bibliographies for each chapter.
The template also includes a List of Figures, List of Tables, List of Supplementary Figures and List of Supplementary Tables.
Feel free to use and adapt 🙂.